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What are the requirements for account setup?📝
What are the requirements for account setup?📝
Updated over 6 months ago


Before you make your first investment, complete the steps below

To complete your verification of identity, we will require the following information:

1. Contact Information

  • Registered Mobile Number: An active mobile number registered in your name or a close relative's name.

  • Owner’s Full Name: If the phone number is registered in a relative’s name, provide their full name.

  • Relation with Owner: Specify your relationship with the mobile number owner.

  • Owner’s Identity Card Number: The ID card number of the relative in whose name the phone number is registered.

  • Contact Person Info: If you want someone else to be contacted on your behalf, provide:

    • Full Name: Name of the person to be contacted.

    • Mobile Number: Mobile number of the person to be contacted.

    • Email Address: Email address of the person to be contacted.

2. Identity Documents

  • Scanned Copy of Your Identity Card:

    • Front: A clear picture of the front of your ID card (JPG or PNG format).

    • Back: A clear picture of the back of your ID card (JPG or PNG format).

3. Personal Details

  • Name: Your name as per your ID card.

  • ID Card Number: Your ID card number.

  • Father’s Name/Husband’s Name: Name of your father or husband as mentioned on your ID card.

  • Gender: Your gender.

  • Date of Birth: Birth date as mentioned on your ID card.

  • ID Card Issuance Date: Date of issuance as mentioned on your ID card.

  • ID Card Expiry Date: Date of expiry as mentioned on your ID card. If the ID card is valid for a lifetime, please check the appropriate box in the KYC form.

4. Additional Personal Information

  • Mother's Maiden Name: Your mother’s name before marriage.

  • City of Birth: Your city of birth.

  • Nationality: Select your nationality.

  • Residential Status: Select whether you are a Resident or a Non-Resident.

  • Marital Status: Provide your current marital status.

5. Occupation Information

  • Occupation: Select your occupation from the provided list.

  • Source of Income: Select your source of income, such as salary/wages or business.

  • Employer/Business Name: Name of your employer if your source of income is salary/wages, or business name if it is business.

  • Gross Annual Income: Select your gross annual income from the provided list. This should be your monthly income in PKR.

6. Address Information

  • Permanent Address: Permanent address as mentioned on your identity card.

  • Country: Select the country of your permanent address.

  • Province: If the country is Pakistan, select the province from the dropdown list. If residing outside Pakistan, provide the province name.

  • City: If the country is Pakistan, select the city from the dropdown list. If residing outside Pakistan, provide the city name.

  • Current Address: If your current address is different from your permanent address, provide it.

  • Country: Select the country of your current address.

  • Province: If the country is Pakistan, select the province from the dropdown list. If residing outside Pakistan, provide the province name.

  • City: If the country is Pakistan, select the city from the dropdown list. If residing outside Pakistan, provide the city name.

7. Kin Information

  • Name: Name of your closest living relative.

  • Relation: Your relationship with the kin.

  • Registered Mobile Number: Mobile number of your kin.

  • Address: Address of your kin.

8. Zakat Information

  • Zakat Deductibility: Confirmation if you want zakat to be deducted from your earnings.

  • Reason: If you do not want zakat to be deducted, provide the reason.

  • For more details on the zakat declaration form, click here.

9. PEP Information

  • PEP Disclosure: A politically exposed person (PEP) is a head of state, senior government official, senior political party official, senior judicial official, senior military official, senior executive of a state-owned company, or senior executive of an international organization. Confirm if you are related to a PEP or not.

10. Bank Account Details

  • Account Title: Your name as mentioned with your bank account.

  • Bank Name: Name of your bank.

  • IBAN Number: Your bank account number as mentioned in your chequebook or mobile banking app.

Please ensure that all documents and details provided are accurate and up-to-date to avoid delays in the verification process.

Contact Support 🎧

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our support team for assistance. You can reach us at:

You can also contact us through the live chat option available on type right corner of the all account setup screens. Our support team will be happy to help you. 🤝😊

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