Signing up on Behtari is quick and easy. Follow these steps:
βSTEP 1: Download the Behtari App
βSTEP 2: Open the App & select Register
Once installed, open the Behtari app. You will see two options for Login & Register. Select the 'Register' option to start creating your account.
STEP 3: Enter your Details on the Register Screen
On the registration screen, fill in your Full Name, Mobile Number, Password, Agree to Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.
Details on each of the fields are shared below.
Full Name: Enter your full name as it appears on your Identity Card.
Mobile Number: Select your Country Code by tapping on the flag icon. You can search for your country from the list. Once selected, enter your mobile number.
Create a Password: Choose a strong password that meets the following criteria:
At least one lowercase letter
At least one uppercase letter
At least one special character - Allowed special characters include !@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}|;:ββ,.<>?/`~)
At least one number
At least 8 characters in length
Agree to Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy:
After filling in your details, read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Then, check the box to agree.Complete Registration:
Tap the 'Register' button to proceed.
STEP 4: Verify Your Mobile Number
You will receive a five-digit OTP (One-Time Password) on the mobile number you provided. Enter the OTP code on the app and click 'Verify and Proceed'.
Behtari Troubleshoot ππ»
Congratulations! Your account with Behtari has been successfully created! ππ
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